The Trinity of Twenty Twenty: Chapter Twelve

Oh, my word ... The Trinity of Twenty Twenty laid it down for the Mister and me the other day! Well, actually it was more about multiple blessings for the Mister. We had a bit of a money issue and I walked out the door quietly praying and before I could start about on my prayer walk, prayers to the One And Only Jesus were answered! Y'all, It all kind of just reminds me of the multitude of mercy the Bible so kindly speaks of in Psalm 69:13. He is such a good teacher! So, that brings me back to my question. What has the Trinity of Twenty Twenty taught you? Have you started writing about your Twenty Twenty lessons yet? Somehow, I think our writings, our essays, our books, our stories could have at least twelve chapters. Do we wonder why in the world I would think such a thing? We can easily begin our writings, our essays, our books, our journals, our stories, our thing with chapter twelve if we want to! After all it is our twenty twenty story that really...