Some of us may be just fine and we need not be delivered from not one single yoke of slavery. But also, many others of us are slaves to something or someone. Are you FREE in Christ Jesus Today? I've been working mostly FULL TIME on Social Media for more than ten years and lately I've noticed FACEBOOK/Instagram both have a nice little HOOK in most of us! So, while we may think we are a SLAVE to no one or no thing, maybe we should think again! I'm not sure if you've noticed but I mostly purposely post to all of my social media outlets in the mornings before 9AM. This is one of the tactics I used and will hopefully continue to use to get my publishing production to beyond what it used to be. In addition, for many years I was a SLAVE to perfection in photography, publishing and production. The deceiver really had me on that one! It was debilitating, but Thankfully the Good Lord has delivered me from this particular bondage. Now, we are working on some of my other issues su...