Experience Surprise Park

Recently, the Mister and me secretly planned a surprise for my Grandson, but he had to wait most of the morning to receive it. I explained to him, that when the Mister woke up, we would go to the bank, the Dollar General Store and at that time, he would receive his prize. Well, I guess you know, this little three year old boy was overjoyed and all kinds of impatient. But, somehow he managed to hold it together until the moment we drove right up to the empty school playground. You, should have seen his eyes as he realized the entire playground was his to enjoy and explore. And, so he did joyfully play at what he called the park for more than forty minutes, which, of course is a lifetime for a little boy. Much Later, my Grandson said to me: I want to go back to the PRIZE PARK, and for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what in the world, he was talking about, until I realized he was talking about the place he experienced earlier that day, his Surprise Park. And,...