
Showing posts from January, 2020

I’ve never been in love like this before!

I’ve never been in love like this before! Somebody should have told me, GMoma loves eats you up from the inside out and when I talk to him I make all the same noises I’ve heard many of you make. If you’ve not seen me in the last eight months I can promise you that you know me NOT! And friends this brings up another point and would you not know it’s BIBLICAL! Over and over men and women in the Bible did things which had a negative effect on their heirs and over and over men an d women in the Bible did things which had a positive affect on their heirs! Please know we all have the ability to change the world (our world) it’s up to us if that change is going to be for the benefit or the detriment of future generations! We still get to choose! It’s not enough to read your Bible! Division does not come by reading but by rightly dividing the word of truth. This means we pick that thing apart until it rocks our heart! And y’all Biblical heart rocking never gets old! So, I’m actually spe...

The spirit of Jesus would not allow them to enter Bithynia!

Thankfully, the Good Lord woke me up (Praise The Lord) this morning at 4:14 AM! I do not and have not used an alarm clock in any form or fashion, to be abruptly wakened make me nauseous.   I took the blessed medicine again!!!! Made myself some coffee and got straight to it! I did My BSF homework (3rd Day)! Y’all, we are in chapter 16 of the Book of Acts, which contains one of my most favorite stories!!!! I just love how the spirit of the one and only Jesus would not allow them to enter Bithynia! And y’all the keyword HOUSE and or HOUSEHOLD is mentioned 8 times in this text!!! So, this lesson calls for yet another Key Word Bible Study! Please Note: I use my NIV Bible for BSF!

The Love Leash of the Lord!

Thankfully The Good Lord woke me up this morning at 4:04. I took my Blood Pressure & Diabetes’s Meds with water. There I said it! I Made the bed, made some coffee and preceded to do my BSF homework as instructed. Our teaching leader strongly suggested we all read all of the study notes! So, I did. Then I worked through the first and second day’s questions. Because of BLOGGING I know and have physical record that the twenty-fifth day of January marks the day I fell in love with KEY WORDS. My first Key Word, I fell for was Hasaq which means TETHERED . And to think The Good Lord was planning on using me to design and publish Key Word Bible Studies! Praise Time IN TENNESSEE for the Love Leash of the Lord!