All that which ain't Black Girl Magic

In my person I am working on week seven of fifty-three weeks of rebuilding biblical foundations: A year long study of Genesis 1. But in my spirit it’s already done! This week our Key Word is SPIRIT and know I have never sat down to write about the working of the Holy Spirit in this my one life but I’ve shared a many life stories of his movements over the years with folks, family, friends and foes. Many folks, friends and foes are forever seated on the bandwagon of MYSTICS and MAGIC in regards to the Holy Spirit but this black girl sits with the MASTER until HE molds and makes my crooked paths straight. I know the word MASTER makes many of you and maybe even me think back to a time when our ancestors were slaves. I get it! But what we need to know and fully understand for most black women and a few white women, that's is exactly where and when it all started. The it I'm speaking of is the relational comforts some folks are privileged to enjoy and ...