40 Days of New Testament LOVE (Love in The Old Testament)

Webster's Dictionary defines LOVE in three ways: The first is an intense feeling of deep affection. The second is a great interest and pleasure in something, such as football. And the third, definition, which is a verb, is to feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone. Wikipedia says l ove encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection and to the simplest pleasure. What do you say love is or loves does? For years I've said Love is a verb! But, here is the thing The Holy Word of God speaks much to what love is and what love does. So today, we taking an up close and personal look at the Key Word LOVE in the Old Testament of the Bible. Please note, I have included links, so we can focus on the Bible Verses associated with the Key Word LOVE. Tomorrow we will look at Love in the New Testament. 'ahab H157 Strong's Number H...