Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr.: TO LOVE a white man: An Excerpt
Chapter 10
Dirty Diana
A Rebel with a Cause
I wonder how many children died in bondage while we produce, watch and award what is dead. When black folks and white folks are reconciled one to the other in forgiveness, which makes way for the love of Jesus Christ, for the slave trade that was and is the history of this United States of America, that will be the great day of hope. My Great Grand Daddy was bred to be white on the outside, which made him a monster on the inside, with the color of love bound on the inside, waiting madly to break free, much like me. So I speak this truth with the same knowledge and pain this legacy has produced.
To love a white man is to love the reality of my roots. To love a white man is to love my Great Grand Daddy. To love a white man: ain’t scandalous, to love a white man: is biblical because we have not seen our savoir, Jesus Christ and he could very well be a pure white man.
Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy. 1 Peter 1:7-9
We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ. Colossians 1:28
We ought to be of one thought as well as one action. Anything less than one thought in the body of Christ is disunity. Anything less than one action in the body of Christ is division.
When we extend our head, hand and heart to our fellow man in forgiveness we then have the capacity to love.
Our Father has assigned me the task in this one life to write, design and publish this memoir, to love a white man. I am completely in awe by the fact that He would trust the likes of me with such a great task. Most days I am humbled to the point of paralysis by the sheer enormity of it all. And, then there are other days that I work as if I’m tearing down the Berlin wall.
When David was at the end of himself and his great sin he prayed a prayer I have prayed myself to Him over and over again. I’ve not taken the life of another but there was a point in my life where adultery was my sin and my shame. It was at the end of this one affair that our Father gifted me with the vision and title of this book. But, I knew in my heart, many, many, years ago (2006) that this story was in no way about my sin. Since then, I’ve been on journey with Jesus and I now know that He is the first and the last white man.
We all, know, David prayed to be washed whiter than snow. There are several other references through-out the word of God that pertain to snow and a person but in each instance the wording is as white as snow. When our sins are confessed and forgiven at the feet of Jesus we all become white men. It matters not the color of our skin, if we are in Christ we are all white men and we should do no other thing than love one another.
Live, love and lead like Jesus.
Not any one else for HE and only HE is the final authority!
No other man has lived as fully God, yet fully man.
It is on Christ the solid rock we stand ALL other ground is sinking sand.
What other ground are you standing on today?
When we ALL Stand for Jesus and only Jesus, many will weep at HIS feet.
There is a famine in the land of plenty and it is no different today, then it was ... way back then for Ruth and Naomi. IF you think it was about food then you are sadly mistaken. There is a famine in the land of plenty and it is a lack of no thing but LOVE.
All we do is find something wrong with any one somebody and then boom.
We do not really believe in the POWER of God our heavenly Father .We do not really believe in His power to turn any and all life unto Him.
Jesus is Justice
I am not sorry to tell you, but you have it twisted.
Justice is an earthly thought.
Justice is a worldly thought.
Reconciliation is possible without justice.
Because of the transforming love of Jesus Christ reconciliation, is possible without justice. Jesus is justice for all who believe in and on Him.
When justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream
His name is Jesus.
Justice is even more of a myth than white privilege or black power.
When justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.
It’s in the form of a man named Jesus, who lived on this earth fully man and fully God.
When justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream
It’s in the form of a man named Jesus, who walked on this earth fully God and fully Man.
When justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream
It’s in the form of a man named Jesus, fully man and fully God and the Holy Spirit.
I'm not sure how you think we could get something, our holy savior never received.
I'm not sure how you think we could ask for something, our holy savior never asked for.
I'm not sure how you think we could expect something, our holy savior never expected.
This constant battle for justice is vanity, for we are all born to die.
How, when and where we die is up to our Father in heaven.
We have not a choice in the matter.
Only he knows, the day and the hour.
This constant battle for justice is vanity, for we are all born to die.
Yes, Ebola may be our cause of death.
Many have went to sleep and there they lay still sleep.
While others, sudden accidents cause them to perish.
Believers in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
In Him all things hold together for He be the glue from generation to generation.
There is no just cause other than Jesus.
There is no just punishment, which is not hell.
There is no just reward other than eternity with Jesus.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33 (KJV)
The "Blood Red Proxy"
When "Black Power" and "White Privilege" seek to defer final justice to the "Blood Red Proxy" of Jesus Christ.
When, "Black Power" and "White Privilege" surrender final justice to the "Blood Red Proxy" of Jesus Christ.
When "Black Power" and "White Privilege" sup with the final justice of the "Blood Red Proxy" of Jesus Christ.
When "Black Power" and "White Privilege" are satisfied to defer final justice to the "Blood Red Proxy" of Jesus Christ.
The "Blood Red Proxy" is the crimson thread and the reality of roots is Jesus.
And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all fullness of God. Ephesians. 3:17b-19
The reality of roots is eternality established in the love of Christ Jesus.
When we all admit, believe and cling to the final justice of Jesus Christ, then and only then may reconciliation and love begin. Forgiveness makes way for love.
When we love in response to God’s love, our love becomes nothing less than the fruit of the spirit.
That's what Ruth admitted.
That's what Ruth believed.
That's the hope Ruth was clinging to.
Where you go I will go
Where you stay I will stay.
Your people will be my people
And your God my God.
Where you die I will die,
And there I will be buried.
May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.”
What is the final outcome when Naomi Loses Her Husband and Sons?
In Him all things hold together for HE be the glue from generation to generation.
The Great Commission
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
{Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.}
Chapter 11
One plus one equals three
Why we can't wait
This book: To Love a white man, the reality of roots, cracks one of the likely many title cover codes created by Martin Luther King. Stringing together the three individual abstract titles creates the actual thought and theory of the entire ministry of King. What America can't wait for is the strength to love.
strength to love
Martin Luther King preached a series of sermons, which were complied into a book and published under the name Strength to love. The words Strength to love form an incomplete sentence. The words Strength to love convey an incomplete though. The words Strength to love hang freely in the air like old clothes on the line. The words Strength to love tell us not what or who. Love needs an object, a person or persons. So, it’s the year of my birth. The winter of nineteen hundred and sixty-three and Martin is free to share misgivings of his published work in the preface. Why, what was this great humanitarian trying to encourage the black community to do? What was so radical it could not be written on the cover of a book in nineteen hundred and sixty-three? Who was Martin preaching to? Were his congregants white people?
to love a white man
The words to love a white man … convey a partial thought as well. The words to love a white man are similar to the words: to kill a mocking bird. The words to love a white man are more positional, if any thing. Why should one love a white man? Or is the question more about what it takes to love a white man? Is the question more about what we lack?
The strength to love a white man
The Strength to love a white man is a complete thought. We saw this strength fully displayed in the form of forgiveness after the Charleston Massacre.
So, where does this strength come from and where do or can we get it?
Do you remember Daniel?
Do you remember King Darius?
Do you remember how, King Darius was tricked into pitching Daniel into the Lions Den?
Do you remember how King Darius stayed up all night? Have you ever thought why?
King Darius and Daniel were complete opposites.
One served God and one didn’t. Daniel was not in the King’s company by choice. Daniel was taken to Babylon to be educated and to stand before the King.
The word strength is used five times in the tenth chapter of the book of Daniel. Daniel was weak, he had not eaten meat for more than three weeks, when he saw a man clothed in linen. He was alone when he saw the vision. After seeing the vision he had no strength He said more than one time how he retained no strength but as the man spoke to Daniel he was strengthened.
This is where the strength to love a white man comes from. It comes directly from the mighty word of God.
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